I spent a year almost completely off of facebook recently. It was a peaceful experience. At the end of the year, I then deleted my entire account, thinking that I wouldn't miss it at all after being offline for that
Have you ever deeply reflected on how variable people's ideas about dating and relationships are? And I'm not even taking into account the effect of online dating apps, which sprung up somewhat after my time. Just the in-person style was
I read an inspiring Medium post a few days ago. And several awesome ones in the intervening days, but this one deserves a shout out. Key Williams had a wonderful piece that shared her story and discussed some girls -
As I watched Tanara Burke's recent TED Talk about the future of the #MeToo movement she founded, I felt inspired by her vision. Given that #MeToo is a movement and not a moment, it seems an appropriate time to explore
Most of us can appreciate the difficulty of experiencing feelings. Do feelings have to be difficult? Probably. But that doesn't mean that's all they have to be. Today I want to spend some time discussing how to extricate that little
You've heard it before: the key to peace isn't in your surroundings or possessions, it's in your mind. This isn't a post about mindfulness though, rather a way to use your mind and time to encourage your own agency. Activating
Often times in academia, there is a tendency to branch out on more and more tangents. This can be a good thing, in terms of intellectual freedom, boundless creativity, fresh......
After reading this amazing story of a neuroscience professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center who is speaking out about harassment in science and other STEM fields, I realized just how......
Hello, I'm Marianne, a computational neuroscientist and blogger based in Boston, MA. Current topics of blogging interest include journal access, big data, and #MeTooSTEM. Thanks for visiting this site!